Creation of The Rucksack Club

Part of the 'Sharing Heritage' articles.
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Most of you will have heard something about this new organization . Its immediate objective is the building of a chain of cabin huts across one of the finest parts of Scotland suitable for a tramping holiday When complete parties of trampers will be able to go on a week or fortnight’s tour at the minimum of expense or trouble . One of the links of the chain is now ready for occupation , in the beautiful district of Loch Ard . Here is a unique chance of living the simple life far from the the irritations and the hustle of the city amidst majestic surroundings of mountains , moors and lochs , and only about 30 miles from Glasgow.

The Rucksack Club is being registered under the Provident Societies act to provide for the needs of ramblers in Scotland . It is a non profit making concern , on the contrary it will make no appeal to the commercial mind which looks on all activity in the terms of large cash returns . Ramblers are asked to take out one or more £1 shares , which will entitle them to full membership with equal rights in dictating activities and electing office bearers . As soon as the registration is completed a meeting will be held to set the organization in motion.

Will you help in building another powerful instrument like the Holiday Fellowship Ltd for humanising this life in the age of machines , if so please communicate with Mr H H  Culley snr . You are asked to join now and be a founding member of an organization which has a very interesting future .   Words, Matt Kincaid Summer 1929 Fellowship newsletter.
CHAPTER 4 photo 1 'Enjoying lunch at Rucksack Club Hut , Kinlochard , late 20's'

Enjoying Lunch at Rucksack Club Hut


Rucksack Club Article (Expandable)

Glasgow HF Outdoor club has been supported by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Thanks to National Lottery players, we have been able to release a book celebrating 100 years of existence.

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Lottery Funded